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// ExceptionTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.Exception class
// Authors:
// Linus Upson (linus@linus.com)
// Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com)
// Gert Driesen (drieseng@users.sourceforge.net)
// Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MonoTests.System
public class ExceptionTest
[Test] // .ctor (SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
public void Constructor3 ()
SerializationInfo si;
MyException ex;
Exception inner;
inner = new ArgumentException ();
si = new SerializationInfo (typeof (Exception),
new FormatterConverter ());
si.AddValue ("ClassName", "CLASS");
si.AddValue ("Message", "MSG");
si.AddValue ("InnerException", inner, typeof (Exception));
si.AddValue ("HelpURL", "URL");
si.AddValue ("StackTraceString", null);
si.AddValue ("RemoteStackTraceString", null);
si.AddValue ("RemoteStackIndex", 0);
si.AddValue ("HResult", 10);
si.AddValue ("Source", "SRC");
si.AddValue ("ExceptionMethod", null);
Hashtable data = new Hashtable ();
data.Add ("XX", "ZZ");
si.AddValue ("Data", data, typeof (IDictionary));
ex = new MyException (si, new StreamingContext ());
Assert.AreEqual ("MSG", ex.Message, "#A1");
Assert.AreSame (inner, ex.InnerException, "#A2");
Assert.AreEqual ("URL", ex.HelpLink, "#A3");
Assert.AreEqual (10, ex.HResult, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual ("SRC", ex.Source, "#A5");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Data, "#A6");
Assert.AreEqual (1, ex.Data.Keys.Count, "#A7");
Assert.AreEqual ("ZZ", ex.Data ["XX"], "#A8");
inner = null;
si = new SerializationInfo (typeof (Exception),
new FormatterConverter ());
si.AddValue ("ClassName", "CLASS");
si.AddValue ("Message", null);
si.AddValue ("InnerException", inner, typeof (Exception));
si.AddValue ("HelpURL", "URL");
si.AddValue ("StackTraceString", null);
si.AddValue ("RemoteStackTraceString", null);
si.AddValue ("RemoteStackIndex", 0);
si.AddValue ("HResult", 10);
si.AddValue ("Source", "SRC");
si.AddValue ("ExceptionMethod", null);
ex = new MyException (si, new StreamingContext ());
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B1");
Assert.IsTrue (ex.Message.IndexOf ("CLASS") != -1, "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.AreEqual ("URL", ex.HelpLink, "#B4");
Assert.AreEqual (10, ex.HResult, "#B5");
Assert.AreEqual ("SRC", ex.Source, "#B6");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Data, "#B7");
Assert.AreEqual (0, ex.Data.Keys.Count, "#B8");
// This test makes sure that exceptions thrown on block boundaries are
// handled in the correct block. The meaning of the 'caught' variable is
// a little confusing since there are two catchers: the method being
// tested the the method calling the test. There is probably a better
// name, but I can't think of it right now.
public void TestThrowOnBlockBoundaries ()
bool caught;
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsTrue (caught, "Exceptions thrown before try blocks should not be caught");
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsFalse (caught, "Exceptions thrown at begin of try blocks should be caught");
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsFalse (caught, "Exceptions thrown at end of try blocks should be caught");
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsTrue (caught, "Exceptions thrown at begin of catch blocks should not be caught");
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsTrue (caught, "Exceptions thrown at end of catch blocks should not be caught");
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsTrue (caught, "Exceptions thrown at begin of finally blocks should not be caught");
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsTrue (caught, "Exceptions thrown at end of finally blocks should not be caught");
try {
caught = false;
} catch {
caught = true;
Assert.IsTrue (caught, "Exceptions thrown after finally blocks should not be caught");
private static void DoNothing()
private static void ThrowException()
throw new Exception();
private static void ThrowBeforeTry()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
private static void ThrowAtBeginOfTry()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
private static void ThrowAtEndOfTry()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
private static void ThrowAtBeginOfCatch()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
private static void ThrowAtEndOfCatch()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
private static void ThrowAtBeginOfFinally()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
} finally {
private static void ThrowAtEndOfFinally()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
} finally {
private static void ThrowAfterFinally()
try {
} catch (Exception) {
} finally {
public void GetObjectData ()
string msg = "MESSAGE";
Exception inner = new ArgumentException ("whatever");
SerializationInfo si;
Exception se;
se = new Exception (msg, inner);
si = new SerializationInfo (typeof (Exception),
new FormatterConverter ());
se.GetObjectData (si, new StreamingContext ());
Assert.AreEqual (11, si.MemberCount, "#A1");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Exception).FullName, si.GetString ("ClassName"), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetValue ("Data", typeof (IDictionary)), "#A3");
Assert.AreSame (msg, si.GetString ("Message"), "#A4");
Assert.AreSame (inner, si.GetValue ("InnerException", typeof (Exception)), "#A5");
Assert.AreSame (se.HelpLink, si.GetString ("HelpURL"), "#A6");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("StackTraceString"), "#A7");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("RemoteStackTraceString"), "#A8");
Assert.AreEqual (0, si.GetInt32 ("RemoteStackIndex"), "#A9");
Assert.AreEqual (-2146233088, si.GetInt32 ("HResult"), "#A10");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("Source"), "#A11");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("ExceptionMethod"), "#A12");
// attempt initialization of lazy init members
Assert.IsNotNull (se.Data);
Assert.IsNull (se.Source);
Assert.IsNull (se.StackTrace);
si = new SerializationInfo (typeof (Exception),
new FormatterConverter ());
se.GetObjectData (si, new StreamingContext ());
Assert.AreEqual (11, si.MemberCount, "#B1");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Exception).FullName, si.GetString ("ClassName"), "#B2");
Assert.AreSame (se.Data, si.GetValue ("Data", typeof (IDictionary)), "#B3");
Assert.AreSame (msg, si.GetString ("Message"), "#B4");
Assert.AreSame (inner, si.GetValue ("InnerException", typeof (Exception)), "#B5");
Assert.AreSame (se.HelpLink, si.GetString ("HelpURL"), "#B6");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("StackTraceString"), "#B7");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("RemoteStackTraceString"), "#B8");
Assert.AreEqual (0, si.GetInt32 ("RemoteStackIndex"), "#B9");
Assert.AreEqual (-2146233088, si.GetInt32 ("HResult"), "#B10");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("Source"), "#B11");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("ExceptionMethod"), "#B12");
try {
throw new Exception (msg, inner);
} catch (Exception ex) {
si = new SerializationInfo (typeof (Exception),
new FormatterConverter ());
ex.GetObjectData (si, new StreamingContext ());
Assert.AreEqual (11, si.MemberCount, "#C1");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Exception).FullName, si.GetString ("ClassName"), "#C2");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetValue ("Data", typeof (IDictionary)), "#C3");
Assert.AreSame (msg, si.GetString ("Message"), "#C4");
Assert.AreSame (inner, si.GetValue ("InnerException", typeof (Exception)), "#C5");
Assert.AreSame (se.HelpLink, si.GetString ("HelpURL"), "#C6");
Assert.IsNotNull (si.GetString ("StackTraceString"), "#C7");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("RemoteStackTraceString"), "#C8");
Assert.AreEqual (0, si.GetInt32 ("RemoteStackIndex"), "#C9");
Assert.AreEqual (-2146233088, si.GetInt32 ("HResult"), "#C10");
Assert.IsNotNull (si.GetString ("Source"), "#C11");
//Assert.IsNotNull (si.GetString ("ExceptionMethod"), "#C12");
try {
throw new Exception (msg, inner);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// force initialization of lazy init members
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Data);
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.StackTrace);
si = new SerializationInfo (typeof (Exception),
new FormatterConverter ());
ex.GetObjectData (si, new StreamingContext ());
Assert.AreEqual (11, si.MemberCount, "#D1");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Exception).FullName, si.GetString ("ClassName"), "#D2");
Assert.AreSame (ex.Data, si.GetValue ("Data", typeof (IDictionary)), "#D3");
Assert.AreSame (msg, si.GetString ("Message"), "#D4");
Assert.AreSame (inner, si.GetValue ("InnerException", typeof (Exception)), "#D5");
Assert.AreSame (ex.HelpLink, si.GetString ("HelpURL"), "#D6");
Assert.IsNotNull (si.GetString ("StackTraceString"), "#D7");
Assert.IsNull (si.GetString ("RemoteStackTraceString"), "#D8");
Assert.AreEqual (0, si.GetInt32 ("RemoteStackIndex"), "#D9");
Assert.AreEqual (-2146233088, si.GetInt32 ("HResult"), "#D10");
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ExceptionTest).Assembly.GetName ().Name, si.GetString ("Source"), "#D11");
//Assert.IsNotNull (si.GetString ("ExceptionMethod"), "#D12");
public void GetObjectData_Info_Null ()
Exception e = new Exception ();
try {
e.GetObjectData (null, new StreamingContext ());
Assert.Fail ("#1");
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("info", ex.ParamName, "#5");
public void HResult ()
MyException ex = new MyException ();
Assert.AreEqual (-2146233088, ex.HResult, "#1");
ex.HResult = int.MaxValue;
Assert.AreEqual (int.MaxValue, ex.HResult, "#2");
ex.HResult = int.MinValue;
Assert.AreEqual (int.MinValue, ex.HResult, "#3");
public void Source ()
Exception ex1 = new Exception ("MSG");
Assert.IsNull (ex1.Source, "#1");
try {
throw new Exception ("MSG");
} catch (Exception ex2) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ExceptionTest).Assembly.GetName ().Name, ex2.Source, "#2");
public void Source_InnerException ()
Exception a = new Exception ("a", new ArgumentException ("b"));
a.Source = "foo";
Assert.IsNull (a.InnerException.Source);
void NestedStackTraces (int depth)
if (depth == 0)
throw new ArgumentException ("Depth 0 exception");
try {
NestedStackTraces (depth - 1);
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new Exception (String.Format ("Depth {0} exception, expect nested", depth), exc);
void StacktraceToStateTest (int depth)
try {
NestedStackTraces (depth);
} catch (Exception exc) {
var monoType = Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime", false);
var convert = monoType.GetMethod("ExceptionToState", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
object [] convert_params = new object[] {exc};
var output = (Tuple<String, ulong, ulong>) convert.Invoke(null, convert_params);
var dump = output.Item1;
var portable_hash = output.Item2;
var unportable_hash = output.Item3;
// To see what we're working with
// Console.WriteLine (dump);
Assert.IsTrue (portable_hash != 0, "#1");
Assert.IsTrue (unportable_hash != 0, "#2");
Assert.IsTrue (dump.Length > 0, "#3");
// Ensure that we can convert a stacktrace to a
// telemetry message
public void StacktraceToStateBase ()
StacktraceToStateTest (0);
public void StacktraceToStateDeeper ()
StacktraceToStateTest (2);
public void StacktraceToStateOverflow ()
// We set a limit on 15 nested exceptions. Lets check that we're valid
// when exceeding that limit.
StacktraceToStateTest (20);
void DumpSingle ()
var monoType = Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime", false);
var convert = monoType.GetMethod("DumpStateSingle", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
var output = (Tuple<String, ulong, ulong>) convert.Invoke(null, Array.Empty<object> ());
var dump = output.Item1;
var portable_hash = output.Item2;
var unportable_hash = output.Item3;
Assert.IsTrue (portable_hash != 0, "#1");
Assert.IsTrue (unportable_hash != 0, "#2");
Assert.IsTrue (dump.Length > 0, "#3");
void DumpTotal ()
var monoType = Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime", false);
var convert = monoType.GetMethod("DumpStateTotal", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
var output = (Tuple<String, ulong, ulong>) convert.Invoke(null, Array.Empty<object> ());
var dump = output.Item1;
var portable_hash = output.Item2;
var unportable_hash = output.Item3;
Assert.IsTrue (portable_hash != 0, "#1");
Assert.IsTrue (unportable_hash != 0, "#2");
Assert.IsTrue (dump.Length > 0, "#3");
void DumpLogSet ()
var monoType = Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime", false);
var convert = monoType.GetMethod("EnableCrashReportLog", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
convert.Invoke(null, new object[] { "./" });
void DumpLogUnset ()
var monoType = Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime", false);
var convert = monoType.GetMethod("EnableCrashReportLog", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
convert.Invoke(null, new object[] { null });
void DumpLogCheck ()
var monoType = Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime", false);
var convert = monoType.GetMethod("CheckCrashReportLog", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
var result = convert.Invoke(null, new object[] { "./", true });
var enumType = monoType.Assembly.GetType("Mono.Runtime+CrashReportLogLevel");
var doneEnum = Enum.Parse(enumType, "MonoSummaryDone");
Assert.AreEqual (doneEnum, result, "#DLC1");
public void DumpICallTotalLogged ()
DumpLogSet ();
DumpTotal ();
DumpLogUnset ();
DumpLogCheck ();
public void DumpICallSingleOnce ()
DumpSingle ();
public void DumpICallSingleConcurrent ()
// checks that self-dumping works in parallel, locklessly
int amt = 20;
var tasks = new Task [amt];
for (int i=0; i < amt; i++)
tasks [i] = Task.Run(() => DumpSingle ());
Task.WaitAll (tasks);
public void DumpICallSingleAsync ()
// checks that dumping works in an async context
var t = Task.Run(() => DumpSingle ());
t.Wait ();
public void DumpICallTotalOnce ()
DumpTotal ();
public void DumpICallTotalRepeated ()
// checks that the state doesn't get broken with repeated use
DumpTotal ();
DumpTotal ();
DumpTotal ();
public void DumpICallTotalAsync ()
// checks that dumping works in an async context
var t = Task.Run(() => DumpTotal ());
t.Wait ();
public void DumpICallTotalConcurrent ()
int amt = 3;
var tasks = new Task [amt];
for (int i=0; i < amt; i++)
tasks [i] = Task.Run(() => DumpTotal ());
Task.WaitAll (tasks);
public void StackTrace ()
Exception ex1 = new Exception ("MSG");
Assert.IsNull (ex1.StackTrace, "#1");
try {
throw new Exception ("MSG");
} catch (Exception ex2) {
Assert.IsNotNull (ex2.StackTrace, "#2");
class MyException : Exception {
public MyException ()
public MyException (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: base (info, context)
public new int HResult {
get { return base.HResult; }
set { base.HResult = value; }