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// System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter
// Author:
// Ben Maurer <bmaurer@novell.com>
// (c) 2005-2010 Novell, Inc (http://novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace System.Web.UI {
// CAS
[AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public class HtmlTextWriter : TextWriter {
readonly static Hashtable _tagTable;
readonly static Hashtable _attributeTable;
readonly static Hashtable _styleTable;
static HtmlTextWriter ()
_tagTable = new Hashtable (tags.Length, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_attributeTable = new Hashtable (htmlattrs.Length, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_styleTable = new Hashtable (htmlstyles.Length, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (HtmlTag tag in tags)
_tagTable.Add (tag.name, tag);
foreach (HtmlAttribute attr in htmlattrs)
_attributeTable.Add (attr.name, attr);
foreach (HtmlStyle style in htmlstyles)
_styleTable.Add (style.name, style);
public HtmlTextWriter (TextWriter writer) : this (writer, DefaultTabString)
public HtmlTextWriter (TextWriter writer, string tabString)
b = writer;
tab_string = tabString;
internal static string StaticGetStyleName (System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterStyle styleKey)
if ((int) styleKey < htmlstyles.Length)
return htmlstyles [(int) styleKey].name;
return null;
[MonoTODO ("Does nothing")]
protected static void RegisterAttribute (string name, HtmlTextWriterAttribute key)
[MonoTODO ("Does nothing")]
protected static void RegisterStyle (string name, HtmlTextWriterStyle key)
[MonoTODO ("Does nothing")]
protected static void RegisterTag (string name, HtmlTextWriterTag key)
public virtual void AddAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute key, string value, bool fEncode)
if (fEncode)
value = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode (value);
AddAttribute (GetAttributeName (key), value, key);
public virtual void AddAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute key, string value)
if ((key != HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name) && (key != HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id))
value = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode (value);
AddAttribute (GetAttributeName (key), value, key);
public virtual void AddAttribute (string name, string value, bool fEndode)
if (fEndode)
value = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode (value);
AddAttribute (name, value, GetAttributeKey (name));
public virtual void AddAttribute (string name, string value)
HtmlTextWriterAttribute key = GetAttributeKey (name);
if ((key != HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name) && (key != HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id))
value = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode (value);
AddAttribute (name, value, key);
protected virtual void AddAttribute (string name, string value, HtmlTextWriterAttribute key)
NextAttrStack ();
attrs [attrs_pos].name = name;
attrs [attrs_pos].value = value;
attrs [attrs_pos].key = key;
protected virtual void AddStyleAttribute (string name, string value, HtmlTextWriterStyle key)
NextStyleStack ();
styles [styles_pos].name = name;
value = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode (value);
styles [styles_pos].value = value;
styles [styles_pos].key = key;
public virtual void AddStyleAttribute (string name, string value)
AddStyleAttribute (name, value, GetStyleKey (name));
public virtual void AddStyleAttribute (HtmlTextWriterStyle key, string value)
AddStyleAttribute (GetStyleName (key), value, key);
public override void Close ()
b.Close ();
protected virtual string EncodeAttributeValue (HtmlTextWriterAttribute attrKey, string value)
return HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode (value);
protected string EncodeAttributeValue (string value, bool fEncode)
if (fEncode)
return HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode (value);
return value;
protected string EncodeUrl (string url)
return HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode (url);
protected virtual void FilterAttributes ()
AddedAttr style_attr = new AddedAttr ();
for (int i = 0; i <= attrs_pos; i++) {
AddedAttr a = attrs [i];
if (OnAttributeRender (a.name, a.value, a.key)) {
if (a.key == HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Style) {
style_attr = a;
WriteAttribute (a.name, a.value, false);
if (styles_pos != -1 || style_attr.value != null) {
Write (SpaceChar);
Write ("style");
Write (EqualsDoubleQuoteString);
for (int i = 0; i <= styles_pos; i++) {
AddedStyle a = styles [i];
if (OnStyleAttributeRender (a.name, a.value, a.key)) {
if (a.key == HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundImage)
a.value = String.Concat ("url(", HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode (a.value), ")");
WriteStyleAttribute (a.name, a.value, false);
Write (style_attr.value);
Write (DoubleQuoteChar);
styles_pos = attrs_pos = -1;
public override void Flush ()
b.Flush ();
protected HtmlTextWriterAttribute GetAttributeKey (string attrName)
object attribute = _attributeTable [attrName];
if (attribute == null)
return (HtmlTextWriterAttribute) (-1);
return (HtmlTextWriterAttribute) ((HtmlAttribute) attribute).key;
protected string GetAttributeName (HtmlTextWriterAttribute attrKey)
if ((int) attrKey < htmlattrs.Length)
return htmlattrs [(int) attrKey].name;
return null;
protected HtmlTextWriterStyle GetStyleKey (string styleName)
object style = _styleTable [styleName];
if (style == null)
return (HtmlTextWriterStyle) (-1);
return (HtmlTextWriterStyle) ((HtmlStyle) style).key;
protected string GetStyleName (HtmlTextWriterStyle styleKey)
return StaticGetStyleName (styleKey);
protected virtual HtmlTextWriterTag GetTagKey (string tagName)
object tag = _tagTable [tagName];
if (tag == null)
return HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown;
return (HtmlTextWriterTag) ((HtmlTag) tag).key;
internal static string StaticGetTagName (HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey)
if ((int) tagKey < tags.Length)
return tags [(int) tagKey].name;
return null;
protected virtual string GetTagName (HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey)
if ((int) tagKey < tags.Length)
return tags [(int) tagKey].name;
return null;
protected bool IsAttributeDefined (HtmlTextWriterAttribute key)
string value;
return IsAttributeDefined (key, out value);
protected bool IsAttributeDefined (HtmlTextWriterAttribute key, out string value)
for (int i = 0; i <= attrs_pos; i++)
if (attrs [i].key == key) {
value = attrs [i].value;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
protected bool IsStyleAttributeDefined (HtmlTextWriterStyle key)
string value;
return IsStyleAttributeDefined (key, out value);
protected bool IsStyleAttributeDefined (HtmlTextWriterStyle key, out string value)
for (int i = 0; i <= styles_pos; i++)
if (styles [i].key == key) {
value = styles [i].value;
return true;
value = null;
return false;
protected virtual bool OnAttributeRender (string name, string value, HtmlTextWriterAttribute key)
return true;
protected virtual bool OnStyleAttributeRender (string name, string value, HtmlTextWriterStyle key)
return true;
protected virtual bool OnTagRender (string name, HtmlTextWriterTag key)
return true;
protected virtual void OutputTabs ()
if (!newline)
newline = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Indent; i++)
b.Write (tab_string);
protected string PopEndTag ()
if (tagstack_pos == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
string s = TagName;
return s;
protected void PushEndTag (string endTag)
NextTagStack ();
TagName = endTag;
void PushEndTag (HtmlTextWriterTag t)
NextTagStack ();
TagKey = t;
protected virtual string RenderAfterContent ()
return null;
protected virtual string RenderAfterTag ()
return null;
protected virtual string RenderBeforeContent ()
return null;
protected virtual string RenderBeforeTag ()
return null;
public virtual void RenderBeginTag (string tagName)
bool ignore = !OnTagRender (tagName, GetTagKey (tagName));
PushEndTag (tagName);
TagIgnore = ignore;
DoBeginTag ();
public virtual void RenderBeginTag (HtmlTextWriterTag tagKey)
bool ignore = !OnTagRender (GetTagName (tagKey), tagKey);
PushEndTag (tagKey);
DoBeginTag ();
TagIgnore = ignore;
void WriteIfNotNull (string s)
if (s != null)
Write (s);
void DoBeginTag ()
WriteIfNotNull (RenderBeforeTag ());
if (!TagIgnore) {
WriteBeginTag (TagName);
FilterAttributes ();
HtmlTextWriterTag key = (int) TagKey < tags.Length ? TagKey : HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown;
switch (tags [(int) key].tag_type) {
case TagType.Inline:
Write (TagRightChar);
case TagType.Block:
Write (TagRightChar);
WriteLine ();
case TagType.SelfClosing:
Write (SelfClosingTagEnd);
// FIXME what do i do for self close here?
WriteIfNotNull (RenderBeforeContent ());
public virtual void RenderEndTag ()
// FIXME what do i do for self close here?
WriteIfNotNull (RenderAfterContent ());
if (!TagIgnore) {
HtmlTextWriterTag key = (int) TagKey < tags.Length ? TagKey : HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown;
switch (tags [(int) key].tag_type) {
case TagType.Inline:
WriteEndTag (TagName);
case TagType.Block:
WriteLineNoTabs (String.Empty);
WriteEndTag (TagName);
case TagType.SelfClosing:
WriteIfNotNull (RenderAfterTag ());
PopEndTag ();
public virtual void WriteAttribute (string name, string value, bool fEncode)
Write (SpaceChar);
Write (name);
if (value != null) {
Write (EqualsDoubleQuoteString);
value = EncodeAttributeValue (value, fEncode);
Write (value);
Write (DoubleQuoteChar);
public virtual void WriteBeginTag (string tagName)
Write (TagLeftChar);
Write (tagName);
public virtual void WriteEndTag (string tagName)
Write (EndTagLeftChars);
Write (tagName);
Write (TagRightChar);
public virtual void WriteFullBeginTag (string tagName)
Write (TagLeftChar);
Write (tagName);
Write (TagRightChar);
public virtual void WriteStyleAttribute (string name, string value)
WriteStyleAttribute (name, value, false);
public virtual void WriteStyleAttribute (string name, string value, bool fEncode)
Write (name);
Write (StyleEqualsChar);
Write (EncodeAttributeValue (value, fEncode));
Write (SemicolonChar);
public override void Write (char [] buffer, int index, int count)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (buffer, index, count);
public override void Write (double value)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (value);
public override void Write (char value)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (value);
public override void Write (char [] buffer)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (buffer);
public override void Write (int value)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (value);
public override void Write (string format, object arg0)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (format, arg0);
public override void Write (string format, object arg0, object arg1)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (format, arg0, arg1);
public override void Write (string format, params object [] arg)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (format, arg);
public override void Write (string s)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (s);
public override void Write (long value)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (value);
public override void Write (object value)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (value);
public override void Write (float value)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (value);
public override void Write (bool value)
OutputTabs ();
b.Write (value);
public virtual void WriteAttribute (string name, string value)
WriteAttribute (name, value, false);
public override void WriteLine (char value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (long value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (object value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (double value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (char [] buffer, int index, int count)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (buffer, index, count);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (char [] buffer)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (buffer);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (bool value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine ()
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine ();
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (int value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (string format, object arg0, object arg1)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (format, arg0, arg1);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (string format, object arg0)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (format, arg0);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (string format, params object [] arg)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (format, arg);
newline = true;
[CLSCompliant (false)]
public override void WriteLine (uint value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (string s)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (s);
newline = true;
public override void WriteLine (float value)
OutputTabs ();
b.WriteLine (value);
newline = true;
public void WriteLineNoTabs (string s)
b.WriteLine (s);
newline = true;
public override Encoding Encoding {
get {
return b.Encoding;
int indent;
public int Indent {
get {
return indent;
set {
indent = value;
public System.IO.TextWriter InnerWriter {
get {
return b;
set {
b = value;
public override string NewLine {
get {
return b.NewLine;
set {
b.NewLine = value;
protected HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey {
get {
if (tagstack_pos == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
return tagstack [tagstack_pos].key;
set {
tagstack [tagstack_pos].key = value;
tagstack [tagstack_pos].name = GetTagName (value);
protected string TagName {
get {
if (tagstack_pos == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
return tagstack [tagstack_pos].name;
set {
tagstack [tagstack_pos].name = value;
tagstack [tagstack_pos].key = GetTagKey (value);
if (tagstack [tagstack_pos].key != HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown)
tagstack [tagstack_pos].name = GetTagName (tagstack [tagstack_pos].key);
bool TagIgnore {
get {
if (tagstack_pos == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
return tagstack [tagstack_pos].ignore;
set {
if (tagstack_pos == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException ();
tagstack [tagstack_pos].ignore = value;
internal HttpWriter GetHttpWriter ()
return b as HttpWriter;
TextWriter b;
string tab_string;
bool newline;
// These emulate generic Stack <T>, since we can't use that ;-(. _pos is the current
// element.IE, you edit blah [blah_pos]. I *really* want generics, sigh.
AddedStyle [] styles;
AddedAttr [] attrs;
AddedTag [] tagstack;
int styles_pos = -1, attrs_pos = -1, tagstack_pos = -1;
AddedTag {
public string name;
public HtmlTextWriterTag key;
public bool ignore;
AddedStyle {
public string name;
public HtmlTextWriterStyle key;
public string value;
AddedAttr {
public string name;
public HtmlTextWriterAttribute key;
public string value;
void NextStyleStack ()
if (styles == null)
styles = new AddedStyle [16];
if (++styles_pos < styles.Length)
int nsize = styles.Length * 2;
AddedStyle [] ncontents = new AddedStyle [nsize];
Array.Copy (styles, ncontents, styles.Length);
styles = ncontents;
void NextAttrStack ()
if (attrs == null)
attrs = new AddedAttr [16];
if (++attrs_pos < attrs.Length)
int nsize = attrs.Length * 2;
AddedAttr [] ncontents = new AddedAttr [nsize];
Array.Copy (attrs, ncontents, attrs.Length);
attrs = ncontents;
void NextTagStack ()
if (tagstack == null)
tagstack = new AddedTag [16];
if (++tagstack_pos < tagstack.Length)
int nsize = tagstack.Length * 2;
AddedTag [] ncontents = new AddedTag [nsize];
Array.Copy (tagstack, ncontents, tagstack.Length);
tagstack = ncontents;
public const string DefaultTabString = "\t";
public const char DoubleQuoteChar = '"';
public const string EndTagLeftChars = "</";
public const char EqualsChar = '=';
public const string EqualsDoubleQuoteString = "=\"";
public const string SelfClosingChars = " /";
public const string SelfClosingTagEnd = " />";
public const char SemicolonChar = ';';
public const char SingleQuoteChar = '\'';
public const char SlashChar = '/';
public const char SpaceChar = ' ';
public const char StyleEqualsChar = ':';
public const char TagLeftChar = '<';
public const char TagRightChar = '>';
enum TagType {
sealed class HtmlTag {
readonly public HtmlTextWriterTag key;
readonly public string name;
readonly public TagType tag_type;
public HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag k, string n, TagType tt)
key = k;
name = n;
tag_type = tt;
sealed class HtmlStyle {
readonly public HtmlTextWriterStyle key;
readonly public string name;
public HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle k, string n)
key = k;
name = n;
sealed class HtmlAttribute {
readonly public HtmlTextWriterAttribute key;
readonly public string name;
public HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute k, string n)
key = k;
name = n;
static HtmlTag [] tags = {
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Unknown, String.Empty, TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.A, "a", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Acronym, "acronym", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Address, "address", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Area, "area", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.B, "b", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Base, "base", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Basefont, "basefont", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Bdo, "bdo", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Bgsound, "bgsound", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Big, "big", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Blockquote, "blockquote", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Body, "body", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Br, "br", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Button, "button", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Caption, "caption", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Center, "center", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Cite, "cite", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Code, "code", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Col, "col", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Colgroup, "colgroup", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Dd, "dd", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Del, "del", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Dfn, "dfn", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Dir, "dir", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Div, "div", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Dl, "dl", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Dt, "dt", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Em, "em", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Embed, "embed", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Fieldset, "fieldset", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Font, "font", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Form, "form", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Frame, "frame", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Frameset, "frameset", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.H1, "h1", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.H2, "h2", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.H3, "h3", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.H4, "h4", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.H5, "h5", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.H6, "h6", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Head, "head", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Hr, "hr", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Html, "html", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.I, "i", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Iframe, "iframe", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Img, "img", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Input, "input", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Ins, "ins", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Isindex, "isindex", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Kbd, "kbd", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Label, "label", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Legend, "legend", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Li, "li", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Link, "link", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Map, "map", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Marquee, "marquee", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Menu, "menu", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Meta, "meta", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Nobr, "nobr", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Noframes, "noframes", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Noscript, "noscript", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Object, "object", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Ol, "ol", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Option, "option", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.P, "p", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Param, "param", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Pre, "pre", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Q, "q", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Rt, "rt", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Ruby, "ruby", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.S, "s", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Samp, "samp", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Script, "script", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Select, "select", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Small, "small", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Span, "span", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Strike, "strike", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Strong, "strong", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Style, "style", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Sub, "sub", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Sup, "sup", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Table, "table", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Tbody, "tbody", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Td, "td", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Textarea, "textarea", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Tfoot, "tfoot", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Th, "th", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Thead, "thead", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Title, "title", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Tr, "tr", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Tt, "tt", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.U, "u", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Ul, "ul", TagType.Block),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Var, "var", TagType.Inline),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Wbr, "wbr", TagType.SelfClosing),
new HtmlTag (HtmlTextWriterTag.Xml, "xml", TagType.Block),
static HtmlAttribute [] htmlattrs = {
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Accesskey, "accesskey"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Align, "align"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Alt, "alt"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Background, "background"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Bgcolor, "bgcolor"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Border, "border"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Bordercolor, "bordercolor"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellpadding, "cellpadding"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cellspacing, "cellspacing"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Checked, "checked"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "class"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Cols, "cols"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Colspan, "colspan"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Disabled, "disabled"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.For, "for"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Height, "height"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, "href"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id, "id"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Maxlength, "maxlength"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Multiple, "multiple"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, "name"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Nowrap, "nowrap"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Onchange, "onchange"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Onclick, "onclick"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.ReadOnly, "readonly"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rows, "rows"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rowspan, "rowspan"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rules, "rules"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Selected, "selected"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Size, "size"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Src, "src"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Style, "style"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Tabindex, "tabindex"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Target, "target"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Title, "title"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "type"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Valign, "valign"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Value, "value"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Width, "width"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Wrap, "wrap"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Abbr, "abbr"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.AutoComplete, "autocomplete"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Axis, "axis"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Content, "content"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Coords, "coords"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.DesignerRegion, "_designerregion"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Dir, "dir"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Headers, "headers"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Longdesc, "longdesc"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Rel, "rel"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Scope, "scope"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Shape, "shape"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Usemap, "usemap"),
new HtmlAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.VCardName, "vcard_name"),
static HtmlStyle [] htmlstyles = {
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundColor, "background-color"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.BackgroundImage, "background-image"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderCollapse, "border-collapse"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderColor, "border-color"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderStyle, "border-style"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.BorderWidth, "border-width"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Color, "color"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontFamily, "font-family"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontSize, "font-size"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontStyle, "font-style"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontWeight, "font-weight"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Height, "height"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextDecoration, "text-decoration"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width, "width"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.ListStyleImage, "list-style-image"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.ListStyleType, "list-style-type"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Cursor, "cursor"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Direction, "direction"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "display"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Filter, "filter"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontVariant, "font-variant"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Left, "left"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Margin, "margin"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.MarginBottom, "margin-bottom"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.MarginLeft, "margin-left"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.MarginRight, "margin-right"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.MarginTop, "margin-top"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Overflow, "overflow"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.OverflowX, "overflow-x"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.OverflowY, "overflow-y"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Padding, "padding"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.PaddingBottom, "padding-bottom"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.PaddingLeft, "padding-left"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.PaddingRight, "padding-right"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.PaddingTop, "padding-top"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Position, "position"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextAlign, "text-align"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.VerticalAlign, "vertical-align"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextOverflow, "text-overflow"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Top, "top"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.Visibility, "visibility"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.WhiteSpace, "white-space"),
new HtmlStyle (HtmlTextWriterStyle.ZIndex, "z-index"),
public virtual bool IsValidFormAttribute (string attribute)
return true;
// writes <br />
public virtual void WriteBreak ()
string br = GetTagName (HtmlTextWriterTag.Br);
WriteBeginTag (br);
Write (SelfClosingTagEnd);
public virtual void WriteEncodedText (string text)
Write (HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (text));
[MonoNotSupported ("")]
public virtual void WriteEncodedUrl (string url)
// WriteUrlEncodedString (url, false);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[MonoNotSupported ("")]
public virtual void WriteEncodedUrlParameter (string urlText)
// WriteUrlEncodedString (urlText, true);
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[MonoNotSupported ("")]
protected void WriteUrlEncodedString (string text, bool argument)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[MonoNotSupported ("")]
public virtual void EnterStyle (Style style)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[MonoNotSupported ("")]
public virtual void EnterStyle (Style style, HtmlTextWriterTag tag)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[MonoNotSupported ("")]
public virtual void ExitStyle (Style style)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
[MonoNotSupported ("")]
public virtual void ExitStyle (Style style, HtmlTextWriterTag tag)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public virtual void BeginRender ()
public virtual void EndRender ()