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// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#pragma warning disable 108, 114, 67, 3006
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.EnterpriseServices;
using System.Transactions;
namespace System.Data.OleDb
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbCommand : System.Data.Common.DbCommand, System.Data.IDbCommand, System.ICloneable, System.IDisposable
public OleDbCommand () {}
public OleDbCommand (String cmdText) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbCommand (String cmdText, OleDbConnection connection) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbCommand (String cmdText, OleDbConnection connection, OleDbTransaction transaction) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override string CommandText { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override int CommandTimeout { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override System.Data.CommandType CommandType { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Connection { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection DbParameterCollection => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override System.Data.Common.DbTransaction DbTransaction { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override bool DesignTimeVisible { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection Parameters => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction Transaction { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override System.Data.UpdateRowSource UpdatedRowSource { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override void Cancel() { }
public OleDbCommand Clone () => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateDbParameter() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbParameter CreateParameter () => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void Dispose (Boolean disposing) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override DbDataReader ExecuteDbDataReader (CommandBehavior behavior) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 ExecuteNonQuery () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbDataReader ExecuteReader () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbDataReader ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior behavior) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Object ExecuteScalar () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Prepare () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void ResetCommandTimeout () => throw ADP.OleDb();
System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() => throw ADP.OleDb();
System.Data.IDataReader System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) => throw ADP.OleDb();
object System.ICloneable.Clone() => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbCommandBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder
public OleDbCommandBuilder() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbCommandBuilder (OleDbDataAdapter adapter) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbDataAdapter DataAdapter { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
protected override void ApplyParameterInfo (DbParameter parameter, DataRow datarow, StatementType statementType, Boolean whereClause) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public static void DeriveParameters (OleDbCommand command) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbCommand GetDeleteCommand () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbCommand GetDeleteCommand (Boolean useColumnsForParameterNames) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbCommand GetInsertCommand () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbCommand GetInsertCommand (Boolean useColumnsForParameterNames) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override String GetParameterName (Int32 parameterOrdinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override String GetParameterName (String parameterName) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override String GetParameterPlaceholder (Int32 parameterOrdinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbCommand GetUpdateCommand () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbCommand GetUpdateCommand (Boolean useColumnsForParameterNames) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String QuoteIdentifier (String unquotedIdentifier) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public String QuoteIdentifier (String unquotedIdentifier, OleDbConnection connection) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void SetRowUpdatingHandler (DbDataAdapter adapter) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String UnquoteIdentifier (String quotedIdentifier) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public String UnquoteIdentifier (String quotedIdentifier, OleDbConnection connection) => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbConnection : System.Data.Common.DbConnection, System.Data.IDbConnection, System.ICloneable, System.IDisposable
public OleDbConnection() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbConnection (String connectionString) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String ConnectionString { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override Int32 ConnectionTimeout => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String Database => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String DataSource => throw ADP.OleDb();
public String Provider => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String ServerVersion => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override ConnectionState State => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction (IsolationLevel isolationLevel) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbTransaction BeginTransaction () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbTransaction BeginTransaction (IsolationLevel isolationLevel) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void ChangeDatabase (String value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Close () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbCommand CreateCommand () => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override DbCommand CreateDbCommand () => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void Dispose (Boolean disposing) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void EnlistDistributedTransaction (ITransaction transaction) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void EnlistTransaction (Transaction transaction) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public DataTable GetOleDbSchemaTable (Guid schema, Object[] restrictions) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override DataTable GetSchema () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override DataTable GetSchema (String collectionName) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override DataTable GetSchema (String collectionName, String[] restrictionValues) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Open () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public static void ReleaseObjectPool () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void ResetState () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public event OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler InfoMessage;
object System.ICloneable.Clone() => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbConnectionStringBuilder : System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder
public OleDbConnectionStringBuilder() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbConnectionStringBuilder (String connectionString) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public string DataSource { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public string FileName { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public object Item { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public ICollection Keys { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public int OleDbServices { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public bool PersistSecurityInfo { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public string Provider { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override void Clear () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean ContainsKey (String keyword) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void GetProperties (Hashtable propertyDescriptors) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean Remove (String keyword) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public Boolean TryGetValue (String keyword, Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbDataAdapter : System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter, System.Data.IDataAdapter, System.Data.IDbDataAdapter, System.ICloneable
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand DeleteCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand InsertCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand SelectCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
System.Data.IDbCommand System.Data.IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand UpdateCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public OleDbDataAdapter() { }
public OleDbDataAdapter (OleDbCommand selectCommand) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbDataAdapter (String selectCommandText, OleDbConnection selectConnection) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbDataAdapter (String selectCommandText, String selectConnectionString) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override RowUpdatedEventArgs CreateRowUpdatedEvent (DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override RowUpdatingEventArgs CreateRowUpdatingEvent (DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public Int32 Fill (DataSet dataSet, Object ADODBRecordSet, String srcTable) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public Int32 Fill (DataTable dataTable, Object ADODBRecordSet) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void OnRowUpdated (RowUpdatedEventArgs value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void OnRowUpdating (RowUpdatingEventArgs value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public event OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated;
public event OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler RowUpdating;
object System.ICloneable.Clone() => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbDataReader : System.Data.Common.DbDataReader
internal OleDbDataReader() { }
public override Int32 Depth => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 FieldCount => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean HasRows => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean IsClosed => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 RecordsAffected => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 VisibleFieldCount => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Close () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean GetBoolean (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Byte GetByte (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int64 GetBytes (Int32 ordinal, Int64 dataIndex, Byte[] buffer, Int32 bufferIndex, Int32 length) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Char GetChar (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int64 GetChars (Int32 ordinal, Int64 dataIndex, Char[] buffer, Int32 bufferIndex, Int32 length) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new OleDbDataReader GetData (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override System.Data.Common.DbDataReader GetDbDataReader(int ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String GetDataTypeName (Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override DateTime GetDateTime (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Decimal GetDecimal (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Double GetDouble (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Type GetFieldType (Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Single GetFloat (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Guid GetGuid (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int16 GetInt16 (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 GetInt32 (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int64 GetInt64 (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String GetName (Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 GetOrdinal (String name) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override DataTable GetSchemaTable () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String GetString (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(int ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Object GetValue (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 GetValues (Object[] values) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean IsDBNull (Int32 ordinal) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean NextResult () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean Read () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override object this[int index] => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override object this[string name] => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbEnumerator
public DataTable GetElements () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public static OleDbDataReader GetEnumerator (Type type) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public static OleDbDataReader GetRootEnumerator () => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbError
internal OleDbError() { }
public String Message => throw ADP.OleDb();
public Int32 NativeError=> throw ADP.OleDb();
public String Source => throw ADP.OleDb();
public String SQLState => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String ToString () => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbErrorCollection : System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
internal OleDbErrorCollection() { }
public Int32 Count => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void CopyTo (Array array, Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void CopyTo (OleDbError[] array, Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbError this[int index] => throw ADP.OleDb();
bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized => throw ADP.OleDb();
object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbException : System.Data.Common.DbException
internal OleDbException() { }
public override int ErrorCode => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbErrorCollection Errors => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext context) => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbFactory : System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory
internal OleDbFactory() { }
public static readonly System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory Instance;
public override System.Data.Common.DbCommand CreateCommand() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder CreateCommandBuilder() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override System.Data.Common.DbConnection CreateConnection() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder CreateConnectionStringBuilder() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override System.Data.Common.DbParameter CreateParameter() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override System.Security.CodeAccessPermission CreatePermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState state) => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs : System.EventArgs
internal OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public Int32 ErrorCode => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbErrorCollection Errors => throw ADP.OleDb();
public String Message => throw ADP.OleDb();
public String Source => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String ToString () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public delegate void OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler(object sender, OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs e);
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public enum OleDbLiteral
Binary_Literal = 1,
Catalog_Name = 2,
Catalog_Separator = 3,
Char_Literal = 4,
Column_Alias = 5,
Column_Name = 6,
Correlation_Name = 7,
Cube_Name = 21,
Cursor_Name = 8,
Dimension_Name = 22,
Escape_Percent_Prefix = 9,
Escape_Percent_Suffix = 29,
Escape_Underscore_Prefix = 10,
Escape_Underscore_Suffix = 30,
Hierarchy_Name = 23,
Index_Name = 11,
Invalid = 0,
Level_Name = 24,
Like_Percent = 12,
Like_Underscore = 13,
Member_Name = 25,
Procedure_Name = 14,
Property_Name = 26,
Quote_Prefix = 15,
Quote_Suffix = 28,
Schema_Name = 16,
Schema_Separator = 27,
Table_Name = 17,
Text_Command = 18,
User_Name = 19,
View_Name = 20,
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public static partial class OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames
public static readonly string Catalogs;
public static readonly string Collations;
public static readonly string Columns;
public static readonly string Indexes;
public static readonly string ProcedureColumns;
public static readonly string ProcedureParameters;
public static readonly string Procedures;
public static readonly string Tables;
public static readonly string Views;
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public static partial class OleDbMetaDataColumnNames
public static readonly string BooleanFalseLiteral;
public static readonly string BooleanTrueLiteral;
public static readonly string DateTimeDigits;
public static readonly string NativeDataType;
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbParameter : System.Data.Common.DbParameter, System.Data.IDataParameter, System.Data.IDbDataParameter, System.ICloneable
public override DbType DbType { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override ParameterDirection Direction { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override Boolean IsNullable { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public int Offset { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType OleDbType { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override String ParameterName { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new Byte Precision { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new Byte Scale { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override Int32 Size { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override String SourceColumn { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override Boolean SourceColumnNullMapping { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override Object Value { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public OleDbParameter() { }
public OleDbParameter (String name, OleDbType dataType) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter (String name, OleDbType dataType, Int32 size) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter (String parameterName, OleDbType dbType, Int32 size, ParameterDirection direction, Boolean isNullable, Byte precision, Byte scale, String srcColumn, DataRowVersion srcVersion, Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter (String parameterName, OleDbType dbType, Int32 size, ParameterDirection direction, Byte precision, Byte scale, String sourceColumn, DataRowVersion sourceVersion, Boolean sourceColumnNullMapping, Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter (String name, OleDbType dataType, Int32 size, String srcColumn) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter (String name, Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void ResetDbType () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override String ToString () => throw ADP.OleDb();
object System.ICloneable.Clone() => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void ResetOleDbType() => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public class OleDbParameterCollection : System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection
internal OleDbParameterCollection() { }
public OleDbParameter Add (OleDbParameter value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 Add (Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter Add (String parameterName, OleDbType oleDbType) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter Add (String parameterName, OleDbType oleDbType, Int32 size) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter Add (String parameterName, OleDbType oleDbType, Int32 size, String sourceColumn) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter Add (String parameterName, Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void AddRange (Array values) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void AddRange (OleDbParameter[] values) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbParameter AddWithValue (String parameterName, Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Clear () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public Boolean Contains (OleDbParameter value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean Contains (Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Boolean Contains (String value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void CopyTo (Array array, Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void CopyTo (OleDbParameter[] array, Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator () => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override DbParameter GetParameter (Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override DbParameter GetParameter (String parameterName) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public Int32 IndexOf (OleDbParameter value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 IndexOf (Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override Int32 IndexOf (String parameterName) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void Insert (Int32 index, OleDbParameter value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Insert (Int32 index, Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public void Remove (OleDbParameter value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Remove (Object value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void RemoveAt (Int32 index) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void RemoveAt (String parameterName) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void SetParameter (Int32 index, DbParameter value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void SetParameter (String parameterName, DbParameter value) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override int Count => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override bool IsFixedSize => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override bool IsReadOnly => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override bool IsSynchronized => throw ADP.OleDb();
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter this[int index] { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter this[string parameterName] { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public override object SyncRoot => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs
public new OleDbCommand Command => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs (DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
: base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping))
=> throw ADP.OleDb();
public delegate void OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs e);
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs : System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs
protected override IDbCommand BaseCommand { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public new OleDbCommand Command { get { throw ADP.OleDb(); } set { } }
public OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs (DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
: base (default(System.Data.DataRow), default(System.Data.IDbCommand), default(System.Data.StatementType), default(System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping))
=> throw ADP.OleDb();
public delegate void OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler(object sender, OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs e);
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbSchemaGuid
public static readonly System.Guid Assertions;
public static readonly System.Guid Catalogs;
public static readonly System.Guid Character_Sets;
public static readonly System.Guid Check_Constraints;
public static readonly System.Guid Check_Constraints_By_Table;
public static readonly System.Guid Collations;
public static readonly System.Guid Column_Domain_Usage;
public static readonly System.Guid Column_Privileges;
public static readonly System.Guid Columns;
public static readonly System.Guid Constraint_Column_Usage;
public static readonly System.Guid Constraint_Table_Usage;
public static readonly System.Guid DbInfoKeywords;
public static readonly System.Guid DbInfoLiterals;
public static readonly System.Guid Foreign_Keys;
public static readonly System.Guid Indexes;
public static readonly System.Guid Key_Column_Usage;
public static readonly System.Guid Primary_Keys;
public static readonly System.Guid Procedure_Columns;
public static readonly System.Guid Procedure_Parameters;
public static readonly System.Guid Procedures;
public static readonly System.Guid Provider_Types;
public static readonly System.Guid Referential_Constraints;
public static readonly System.Guid SchemaGuids;
public static readonly System.Guid Schemata;
public static readonly System.Guid Sql_Languages;
public static readonly System.Guid Statistics;
public static readonly System.Guid Table_Constraints;
public static readonly System.Guid Table_Privileges;
public static readonly System.Guid Table_Statistics;
public static readonly System.Guid Tables;
public static readonly System.Guid Tables_Info;
public static readonly System.Guid Translations;
public static readonly System.Guid Trustee;
public static readonly System.Guid Usage_Privileges;
public static readonly System.Guid View_Column_Usage;
public static readonly System.Guid View_Table_Usage;
public static readonly System.Guid Views;
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
public sealed partial class OleDbTransaction : System.Data.Common.DbTransaction
internal OleDbTransaction() { }
public new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Connection => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override System.Data.Common.DbConnection DbConnection => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override System.Data.IsolationLevel IsolationLevel => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbTransaction Begin () => throw ADP.OleDb();
public OleDbTransaction Begin (IsolationLevel isolevel) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Commit () => throw ADP.OleDb();
protected override void Dispose (Boolean disposing) => throw ADP.OleDb();
public override void Rollback () => throw ADP.OleDb();
[MonoTODO("OleDb is not implemented.")]
internal sealed class OleDbConnectionString : DbConnectionOptions
internal OleDbConnectionString(string connectionString, bool validate) : base(connectionString, null) { }
#pragma warning restore 108, 114, 67, 3006