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// Sub-commands with Mono.Options.CommandSet
// Compile as:
// mcs -r:Mono.Options.dll commands.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Options;
class CommandDemo {
public static int Main (string[] args)
var commands = new CommandSet ("commands") {
"usage: commands COMMAND [OPTIONS]",
"Mono.Options.CommandSet sample app.",
"Global options:",
{ "v:",
"Output verbosity.",
(int? n) => Verbosity = n.HasValue ? n.Value : Verbosity + 1 },
"Available commands:",
new Command ("echo", "Echo arguments to the screen") {
Run = ca => Console.WriteLine ("{0}", string.Join (" ", ca)),
new Command ("equinox", "Does something with the equinox?") {
Run = ca => Console.WriteLine ("{0}", string.Join (" ", ca)),
new RequiresArgsCommand (),
"Commands with spaces are supported:",
new Command ("has spaces", "spaces?!") {
Run = ca => Console.WriteLine ("spaces, yo! {0}", string.Join (" ", ca)),
"Nested CommandSets are also supported. They're invoked similarly to commands with spaces.",
new CommandSet ("set") {
new Command ("file type", "Does something or other.") {
Run = ca => Console.WriteLine ("File type set to: {0}", string.Join (" ", ca)),
new Command ("output", "Sets output location") {
Run = ca => Console.WriteLine ("Output set to: {0}", string.Join (" ", ca)),
commands.Add (new Command ("completions", "Show CommandSet completions") {
Run = ca => {
var start = ca.Any() ? string.Join (" ", ca) : "";
Console.WriteLine ($"Showing CommandSet completions for prefix '{start}':");
foreach (var completion in commands.GetCompletions (start)) {
Console.WriteLine ($"\tcompletion: {completion}");
commands.Add (commands);
return commands.Run (args);
public static int Verbosity;
class RequiresArgsCommand : Command {
public RequiresArgsCommand ()
: base ("requires-args", "Class-based Command subclass")
Options = new OptionSet () {
"usage: commands requires-args [OPTIONS]",
"Class-based Command subclass example.",
{ "name|n=",
"{name} of person to greet.",
v => Name = v },
{ "help|h|?",
"Show this message and exit.",
v => ShowHelp = v != null },
public bool ShowHelp {get; private set;}
public new string Name {get; private set;}
public override int Invoke (IEnumerable<string> args)
try {
var extra = Options.Parse (args);
if (ShowHelp) {
Options.WriteOptionDescriptions (CommandSet.Out);
return 0;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (Name)) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("commands: Missing required argument `--name=NAME`.");
Console.Error.WriteLine ("commands: Use `commands help requires-args` for details.");
return 1;
Console.WriteLine ($"Hello, {Name}!");
return 0;
catch (Exception e) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("commands: {0}", CommandDemo.Verbosity >= 1 ? e.ToString () : e.Message);
return 1;