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// Import the utility functionality.
import jobs.generation.Utilities;
import jobs.generation.JobReport;
// The input project name (e.g. dotnet/coreclr)
def project = GithubProject
// The input branch name (e.g. master)
def branch = GithubBranchName
class Constants {
def static imageVersionMap = ['Windows_NT':'latest-or-auto',
def static scenarios = ['coreclr', 'corefx']
// Innerloop build OS's
def static osList = ['Ubuntu', 'OSX10.12', 'Windows_NT', 'Windows_NT_Wasm']
// Generate the builds for debug and release, commit and PRJob
Constants.scenarios.each { scenario ->
[true, false].each { isPR -> // Defines a closure over true and false, value assigned to isPR
['Debug', 'Release'].each { configuration ->
Constants.osList.each { os ->
if (configuration == 'Release' && scenario == 'corefx') {
// Disable the corefx scenario for wasm for now since
// the tests won't work
if (os == 'Windows_NT_Wasm' && scenario == 'corefx') {
// Define build string
def lowercaseConfiguration = configuration.toLowerCase()
// Determine the name for the new job. The first parameter is the project,
// the second parameter is the base name for the job, and the last parameter
// is a boolean indicating whether the job will be a PR job. If true, the
// suffix _prtest will be appended.
def baseJobName = lowercaseConfiguration + '_' + os.toLowerCase()
if (scenario != 'coreclr') {
baseJobName += '_' + scenario
def newJobName = Utilities.getFullJobName(project, baseJobName, isPR)
def buildString = "";
def prJobDescription = "${os} ${configuration}";
if (configuration == 'Debug') {
if (scenario == 'coreclr') {
prJobDescription += " and CoreCLR tests"
if (scenario == 'corefx') {
prJobDescription += " and CoreFX tests"
def buildCommands = calculateBuildCommands(os, configuration, scenario, isPR)
// Create a new job with the specified name. The brace opens a new closure
// and calls made within that closure apply to the newly created job.
def newJob = job(newJobName) {
// This opens the set of build steps that will be run.
steps {
if (os.startsWith('Windows_NT')) {
// Indicates that a batch script should be run with each build command
buildCommands.each { buildCommand ->
else {
buildCommands.each { buildCommand ->
// This call performs test run checks for the CI.
Utilities.addXUnitDotNETResults(newJob, '**/testResults.xml')
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "**/testResults.xml")
if (os == 'Windows_NT_Wasm') {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, 'Windows.10.Wasm.Open')
prJobDescription += " WebAssembly"
else {
Utilities.setMachineAffinity(newJob, os, Constants.imageVersionMap[os])
Utilities.standardJobSetup(newJob, project, isPR, "*/${branch}")
if (isPR) {
Utilities.addGithubPRTriggerForBranch(newJob, branch, prJobDescription)
else {
// Set a large timeout since the default (2 hours) is insufficient
Utilities.setJobTimeout(newJob, 1440)
def static calculateBuildCommands(def os, def configuration, def scenario, def isPR) {
def buildCommands = []
def lowercaseConfiguration = configuration.toLowerCase()
def testScriptString= ''
if (os == 'Windows_NT') {
// Calculate the build commands
buildCommands += "build.cmd ${lowercaseConfiguration} skiptests"
if (scenario == 'coreclr'){
// Run simple tests and multimodule tests only under CoreCLR mode
buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${configuration} "
buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd ${configuration} /multimodule"
if (configuration == 'Debug')
// Run CoreCLR tests
testScriptString = "tests\\runtest.cmd ${configuration} /coreclr "
if (isPR) {
// Run a small set of BVTs during PR validation
buildCommands += testScriptString + "Top200"
else {
// Run the full set of known passing tests in the post-commit job
buildCommands += testScriptString + "KnownGood /multimodule"
else if (scenario == 'corefx')
// CoreFX tests are currently run only under Debug, so skip the configuration check
testScriptString = "tests\\runtest.cmd ${configuration} /corefx "
//Todo: Add json config files for different testing scenarios
buildCommands += testScriptString
else if (os == 'Windows_NT_Wasm') {
// Emsdk isn't necessarily activated correctly on CI machines (but should be on the path), so activate it now
buildCommands += "emsdk activate latest"
buildCommands += "build.cmd wasm ${lowercaseConfiguration} skiptests"
buildCommands += "tests\\runtest.cmd wasm ${configuration}"
else {
// Calculate the build commands
buildCommands += "./build.sh ${lowercaseConfiguration} skiptests"
// Calculate the test commands
if (scenario == 'coreclr' )
// Run simple tests and multimodule tests only under CoreCLR mode
buildCommands += "tests/runtest.sh ${configuration} "
if (configuration == 'Debug')
testScriptString = "tests/runtest.sh ${configuration} -coredumps -coreclr "
if (isPR) {
// Run a small set of BVTs during PR validation
buildCommands += testScriptString + "top200"
else {
// Run the full set of known passing tests in the post-commit job
// Todo: Enable push test jobs once we establish a reasonable passing set of tests
// shell(testScriptString + "KnownGood")
else if (scenario == 'corefx')
// CoreFX tests are currently run only under Debug, so skip the configuration check
testScriptString = "tests/runtest.sh ${configuration} -corefx "
//Todo: Add json config files for different testing scenarios
buildCommands += testScriptString
return buildCommands